
The aim and objectives of SADCOPAC according to Article 5 of the Constitution are as following: –

  1. Work with governments and other relevant role players in meeting the people’s expectations of sound and accountable governance;
  2. Build capacity and expertise among SADCOPAC members to diligently and efficiently carry out their oversight functions and duties;
  3. Improve the effectiveness of Public Accounts Committees or similar committees in the SADC region;
  4. Share best practices and innovation, and where appropriate and possible, harmonise and standardize the work of Public Accounts Committees in the SADC region;
  5. Promote good governance;
  6. Conduct research on new best practices and innovations to improve and enhance the effectiveness of Public Accounts Committees in SADC region;
  7. Communicate and build relationships with individuals and organizations with relevant expertise (nationally and internationally);
  8. Empower members to be able to disseminate information on the work and activities of Public Accounts Committees among elected representatives, media and the general public, and other oversight or similar committees;
  9. Liaise with the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI) on areas of mutual concern; and
  10. Strengthen the relationship with appropriate SADC structures.

Strategic Objectives

The current SADCOPAC strategic plan will covers five strategic priorities (strategies);

  • Advocacy – SADCOPAC provides strategies for adoption by governments and other relevant role players in meeting the people’s expectations of sound and accountable governance.
  • Members Capacity Building – SADCOPAC takes a lead to enhance knowledge and skills of members. Capacity building is carried at the individual PAC level in order to enhance committees’ performance for both members and PAC clerks to diligently and efficiently carry out their functions and duties.
  • Governance Capacity Development – SADCOPAC aims at strengthening its organisational systems and processes.
  • Information Sharing – SADCOPAC identify platform and methods of information pull together in order to increase information sharing within member states of SADCOPAC.
  • Research (publications and good practices) – SADCOPAC identifies best practices and frameworks in order to sharing best practices within member states of SADCOPAC.